Villain categories

Villains can be categorized into five different subtypes, villains who: 1.) Believe they are doing the right thing (the ends justifies the means) E.g. Magneto (X-men). 2.) Are just scary and mad, or live for destruction, there's no plot nor any obvious reason for a particular target. E.g. The Joker (The Dark Knight) 3.) Seeks revenge, e.g. Khan Star Trek. 4.) Wants power (rule the world), e.g. Blofeldt (James Bond). 5.) Are henchmen, subordinates or robots. They are either without a will, do it for fun or lack of intelligence. E.g. Jaws (James Bond films).

onsdag 7 juli 2010

#7 Adrian Veidt

Villain from:

Adrien Veidt a.k.a. Ozymandias portrayed by Matthew Goode comes from the world of DC comics. Belonging to subtype 1. Former superhero now turned entrepreneur and peace worker devoted to help end the cold war. He combines intelligence with especially fast fighting skills. His villainous persona can be questioned, however the end result is the loss of millions of innocent lives to save billions. He is probably the most non-villain anti-hero ever. But how many lives does it take before it is wrong? Ozymandias clearly think that might is right ("The Once and Future King" by T.H. White).

Grade = 9

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